Large-scale benchmarks to assess models for protein fitness prediction and design.

A conditional semi-supervised pseudo-generative model for fitness prediction and design.

We introduce a sample-efficient method for discovering optimal sets that are both diverse and optimize the function of interest.

TranceptEVE combines family-specific and family-agnostic models to achieve SOTA performance on protein fitness prediction and human …

Tranception combines large autoregressive transformers with inference-time retrieval to achieve SOTA performance on protein fitness …

We introduce RITA, a suite of autoregressive generative models for protein sequences, with up to 1.2 billion parameters

We use the epistemic uncertainty of the VAE decoder to guide the optimization of properties of high-dimensional structured objects …

We leverage deep generative models of evolutionary sequences to predict viral escape mutations.

We introduce an importance sampling-based estimator to estimate the epistemic uncertainty of deep learning models for high-dimensional …